
Affiliate Marketing: Finding Negative Keywords for Wrong Matches

Unwanted clicks with minimal or even zero conversion often stem out from irrelevant ads for products showing up for unrelated searches. This happens when your PPC ad campaigns may be triggering broad match or even phrase match keywords that also lead to unwanted visibility.

When you want to widen your reach on your niche without risking the unwanted clicks, you can also indicate Negative Keywords to your campaign. These are keywords you absolutely do not want your ads to show for in the search engines. Doing this for broad match and phrase match keywords can give you further control over your clicks.

If you have included broad and phrase match keywords within your campaign and do not know where to start with negative keywords, try keyword research tools that provide keyword data on websites and affiliates. KeywordSpy, for example, gather keyword information by scouring the web with keywords and getting rankings and ad data from the public results, along with providing useful metrics of their own.

When you have ran your campaign a respectable period of time, try looking up your affiliate ID, or domain name in the system. This would reveal the keywords that you are advertising on, how useful they are within your niche, and other keywords that also trigger your ads.

Results can also show keywords that may be triggering your ads and generating unwanted clicks because of broad and phrase match keywords in your campaign.

(Google Adwords Campaign Keyword Setup)

If you find keywords you are not originally aiming for and does not relate to your products at all, trim them down and integrate them in your Negative Keywords list. With this, you will increase the chances of unwanted clicks that do not convert into sales and built up on your campaign costs.

The Rundown on Top Affiliate Networks Part II

On this second and last part of our series we take a look at more affiliate networks you can choose from in starting your affiliate marketing.

PayDotCom. According to KeywordSpy, PDC has about 46 active products 43 active affiliates. You can earn high percentages as an affiliate with commissions up to 80%. Help and support also comes through the PDC forum where staff and fellow affiliates can help each other out on their affiliate strategies. Commissions are paid either through Paypal or check by the Vendor and not by PDC. Mode of payment, however, is up to the vendor and not PDC so if you re planning to sign up, make sure you can receive commissions both ways, just in case.

ShareASale. Shareasale is yet another easy system to work with. They offer user-friendly statistics and make it easy to create affiliate links. There are also a great number of affiliate products and merchants to choose from. The most recently indexed keywords for this network shows 1,553 active products 214 active affiliates.

What is good about this affiliate network? While most affiliate networks and vendors will pay you for making a sale, there are vendors in ShareASale that will also pay you to have people register for free paid service accounts, emails, and more, making the product or service a lot more easier to promote.

Amazon. Talking about easy marketing, the Amazon network is another medium that allows you to market products online a lot easier and with a whole slew of promotional material.

Besides banner ads, Amazon also allows you to create content links, widgets and your own AStore, all in the name of affiliate marketing.

Monthly commissions from Amazon may not be as high as other networks. But selling can prove to be a lot easier as Amazon is a well recognized and established online brand. Currently, there are 179,474 active products 139,519 active affiliates available for study for this network. Now that’s a lot options.

The Rundown on Top Affiliate Networks Part I

Having a hard time choosing the right affiliate network to jumpstart your affiliate marketing career? Here is a quick review on the top affiliate networks available to start earning that extra cash.

Clickbank. One of the most popular affiliate networks online, Clickbank’s merchant affiliations are primarily with digital download products. They also offer high percentage of commissions ranging from 40- 50%, with payment made every two weeks.

Their affiliate tracking system is easy to use and it only takes a minimum of $10 to get paid. They also have their new encrypted link feature which allows you to get hoplinks that are easier to promote than the average affiliate link.

Information is one convenient feature for Clickbank as their Marketplace page allows you to easily search for products that would suit the contents of your current website or blog. Search results also show important information about their products such as how much they sell for and how likely the product is to make a sale. The system also makes it easy to create affiliate links as well as allow you to see what page will be directing traffic to, making it more convenient to promote.

The probable downside of this affiliate network is they are limited to affiliate links. You may want to refer to other affiliate networks if you are looking for flashy banner ads. Otherwise, some clever keyword use and content writing may just give you a good start.

According to KeywordSpy, Clickbank has well over 2,996 products and 3,420 active affiliates; you may want to check out keyword ideas from this site as well.

Commission Junction. One of the very first affiliate networks online, with merchant affiliations with Fortune 500 companies. Commission Junction also has an easy and useful tracking interface for their affiliates. Commissions range from 15-50%.

Another factor to consider is that they also provide their affiliates with what products are earning more making it easier to choose what is worth promoting. Another advantage is their regular training and seminars for those who want to make it big in the industry.

CJ also provides more promotion options for affiliates beside text links like banner ads, product links, and search boxes.

One disadvantage, however, is that the minimum amount before payment can be made is at $50- $100, with your earnings only protected for up to 6 months when it does not reach the minimum amount.

Currently, Commission Junction has 6,538 products 1,995 active affiliates indexed on KeywordSpy, making it one of the most popular affiliate networks out there.

Linkshare. Beside CJ, another well-established network is Linkshare that also has a reputable list of merchants to choose from. Linkshare also provides recurring commissions, alongside Clickbank and CJ. Expect also to be trained with their regular newsletters and webinars on affiliate marketing.

Like CJ, Linkshare also provides text links as well as banner ads for their affiliates. One thing that could prove to be a disadvantage is that commissions are paid by the merchants not the network. So if you are promoting more than one product, you would need to make minimum commissions on each product to get your earnings. KeywordSpy indexed products: 673; affiliates; 297.

There are more affiliate networks to choose from that would be discussed on the next part of this series. Check out also KeywordSpy’s Affiliate Research section to view comprehensive keyword data on these affiliate networks and more.

The KeywordSpy Affiliate: A Partner In Co-Dependent Wealth

I recently read this interesting article on affiliate marketing from The SEMinar by Ron Abagnale and I thought I should repost it here:

We’ve seen the rise of affiliate marketing in recent times, especially in lieu of the recession. But the question of what product to promote always lingers for many people.

If you are an aspiring affiliate, here are the things that you may have taken into consideration, not in any necessary order:

1) The playing field: One will have to think about how many competitors one is up against when bidding or ranking for this product. The fewer the competitors are for a product, the more likely it is to draw people to sell it.

But along that line of thinking, one must also consider, is how easy it is to get exposure for the product you hope to be an affiliate of . Some affiliate networks can offer their media services to you, aside from the usual banners and links.

Also, one must note that there are restrictions to the proliferation of the ad campaign, usually stated in the vendor’s terms and conditions.

2) The product being promoted: What grabs a person’s fancy is how a product they promote could be beneficial to other people. Ebooks are example of a popular online retailing investment. But another important thing to consider in chossing a product is: how much will it help in the financial well-being of the person.

Also, they may ask the question: Is it a one-time purchase, or will it continuously be picked up by prospective buyers, or used to generate more money?

Other things to consider are visibility and quality. Does your website fare highly in the search engines? Will it be a suitable enough vehicle to showcase your ads?

3) Media for promoting. Nowadays the possibilities are endless. It started with the search engines employing PPC ads. Now there’s Twitter, Facebook, MySpace. Thus, social media has gotten into the act. Now your products can gain more exposure not only when people search, but also when they check on their friends.

In lieu of this, we make the case for selling a program which would define affiliate selling at its most organic—organic in the fact that the product is an aid in making the online business, which the product itself is a part of, more competitive. That product is none other than KeywordSpy.

KeywordSpy is giving everybody a chance to be an “online retailer” for the service it deems the most powerful keyword research and keyword tracking service. As the world starts to fully recognize how potentially profitable an online business is, the more significant keyword tools will become in contributing to websites’ exposure via the always dependent search engine.

Since KeywordSpy helps in market research for SEM-reliant companies, one can make a profit, and help the person that patronizes his/her product earn a profit. This is a phenomenon you can compare to that illustrated in the film, “Pay It Forward”, wherein the privilege of being an affiliate that could help people spring from the throes of recession can be passed on, with you earning on the part of goodwill.

In other words, you help others also become rich by using your tool so that they may gain exposure in sites. With the lucrative PPC market now in full swing, there is more reason to jump on this opportunity. And since early birds will always get the fattest worms, allow yourself a good deal of the package by joining now!

Nothing shares the wealth more than being an associate in the common wealth generated by the web. So, for a netizen wanting to participate in the web’s potential for wealth, we would recommend that you take this opportunity and generate hassle free income right from your own computer.

For more information on the KeywordSpy affiliate program, visit this link:

Click here to Check out Ron Abagnale's Blog, the SEMinar

KeywordSpy Tracking Series Part 5: The Power of Suggestion

At last I've come to the last part of the series on KeywordSpy Tracking 2.0. And this is where we'll talk about the Tracking Suggestions Tab.

Never underestimate the power of suggestion. When it comes to PPC and SEO campaigns, good keywords are hard to come by, and when you do happen to come across profitable keywords, it’s hard to tell how long before it becomes less marketable. With monitoring your keywords search engine performance comes also the tasks of keeping your eye open for new or better terms that could also do your campaign good.

When you’re monitoring your campaign’s keywords in the Tracking system, whether for PPC or SEO, your selection of keywords will also let the system provide related terms and phrases with your own set list. You can view this by proceeding directly to the Suggestions tab.

While you are tracking down your keywords’ performance, looking into prospective new keywords is also ideal. The market comes up with new keywords everyday. From new products and technologies to special occasions and events, there are great opportunities that would attract further business to a website. New keywords that appeal to visitors that could also generate high amounts of clicks at possibly lesser costs are worth studying.

When you find yourself stuck with ineffective but expensive keywords, of course, there may be keywords your competitors are already using with far lesser costs per click but still has acceptable click value. The same goes for organic keywords. You can compare these keywords with your own and possibly find more profitable keywords than the costly ones you are advertising on. Simply check out the additional keywords of a competitor or compare your domain with a competitor of your choice and check out their unique keywords.

Always remember that the internet is constantly changing not just with more and more information but business opportunities as well. So if you want to stay in the game, start tracking, be informed, and keep sprucing up your campaign.

Tracking Series Part 1: What Your Keywords Are Telling You
Tracking Series Part 2: Watching the Competition
Tracking Series Part 3: Watching Out For the Bigger Picture
Tracking Series Part 4: Comparing Keywords of 2 Domains
Click here for more details on KeywordSpy Tracking 2.0

KeywordSpy Tracking Series Part 4: Comparing Keywords of 2 Domains

On this third part of our series on KeywordSpy Tracking, we’ll venture into one of the new feature of the system which is the Comparison Tab.

The Comparison Tab allows you to bring two domain’s keyword list in side by side with each other for an organized and efficient comparison of keyword data. For this you can select any two domains on the competitors tab and hit the “compare” option or you can directly proceed to Comparison tab and select domains from there.

One great benefit of this feature is it speeds up the process of taking keyword list after keyword list of your competitors and sorting out which keywords they have and do not have in comparison to yours. You can immediately tell which keywords their ads are showing for that your campaign is missing out on.

New advertisers come in and out the online advertising field daily. Comparing keywords will also allow you to find out if certain advertisers are also worth studying or after a different market altogether.

If you’re trying out new keywords for a specific type of campaign, keeping a close eye on what your competitor is doing could be good. Whether you’re avoiding using the same keywords or researching for currently profitable keywords working for the other advertiser.

This function can also be useful in terms of organic keywords. As much power PPC advertising has, one should never forget not to rule out SEO process, you could be paying for keywords your competitors are using when you can easily and cost effectively implement them in your SEO campaign.

Click here for Part 3 of this series: Watching out For The Bigger Picture
Click here for Part 2 of this series: Watching the Competition
Click here for Part 1 of this series: What Your Keywords Are Telling You
Click here for more details on KeywordSpy Tracking 2.0

Technorati Profile

Tracking Series Part 3: Watching Out For the Bigger Picture

The significant change in the KeywordSpy Tracking system is the way it tracks down data. The older version, as most probably know by now, tracks down both keywords and domains while the Tracking 2.0 mainly focuses on tracking down keywords. What about my domain and the competitors I’m tracking? Don’t worry, it doesn’t end there.

Initial results for monitored keywords not only show average clicks and cost data for each. Remember, you can also view PPC and Organic listing results with each keyword. That means finding out websites advertising or using these keywords on daily basis. Here comes the bigger picture, instead of just tracking down specific domains like before, the system actually allows you to track down all, if not, more domains.

Each keyword result for a campaign generates, at the same time, competitors bidding on or utilizing that keyword. And each competitor contains its own set list of PPC and organic keywords to further dissect. Depending on the industry, this means casting a bigger net in terms of information gathering at a more efficient way.

Given that the marketing medium on the internet is in a constant and rapid flux, key information on competition: ranking advertisers; new advertisers; threats in the market; new keywords; and bid and click values are all crucial in maintaining a stable campaign.

There is data gathering and there is focusing on specific variables. If you do want to narrow down a campaign without limiting your search, the Watchlist will cover the job of separating your selected domains, even yours, apart from the rest.

The Watchlist acts as a shortcut to all the data within your campaign. By adding domains in your watchlist, you can concentrate further on key competitors in your industry, including easily monitoring your own results. You can also do this with important keywords in your monitoring campaign. When you log back in, accessing data you want is as easy as clicking through your watchlist.

Data gathering in terms of PPC and SEO keywords takes time and a lot of work to obtain as much credible and useful information as possible. This system hopes to provide effectiveness of research and work efficiency for better a campaign.

Click here for Part 2 of this series: Watching the Competition
Click here for Part 1 of this series: What Your Keywords Are Telling You
Click here for more details on KeywordSpy Tracking 2.0

KeywordSpy Tracking Series Part 2: Watching the Competition

On this second part of our series, we’ll be digging deep into the KeywordSpy Tracking module by looking further into advertisers on the Competitors Tab. This feature summarizes the domains bidding on the keywords currently being monitored for a campaign.

Right off the bat, the Overview function gives you a quick glance at the competition level for your campaign group. Of course, it is important to remember that these domains are all based on the keywords you are tracking. So ensuring you are monitoring the right type and amount of keywords will better the results.

The Top Competitors ranks the domains according to percentage of Coverage. In this case, these are the top advertisers bidding on Google Adwords. Depending on the countries you have selected for this campaign, this could also include Top Competitors on Yahoo! and MSN advertising systems. If you are also advertising considerably on your monitored keywords, you should see your domain on this list. You’ll be able to visually compare your rankings to other domains and see where you stand. Are you one of the gray dots lost in the crowd, or hanging out with the cool guys up top?

Aside from advertisers, the Competitors tab also lists the number of indexed keywords and ads for these domains that you can study further. With a saturated market such as this one, you can concentrate on a few competitors by filtering out the data as you please to show results you would like to focus on like showing domains with a few thousand keywords only or more. As discussed on the previous post of this series, you can also get a list of competitors for each keyword in your campaign by clicking on the keywords in the Keywords Tab. To understand a particular advertiser, simply click on their domain on the list.

If you are an advertiser monitoring the effectiveness of your campaign, knowing your effective keywords through average position is important. Over here we have top keywords for the advertiser Though these are top keywords, we can see that much improvement is necessary as ads for these keywords are not getting much visibility. That’s a good place to start.

If this is your competitor, you can also determine where you stand in comparison to this or any other domain with respect to average Ad Position. But of course, further analysis on this competitor’s keywords would also help with your campaign.

The keywords for an advertiser, be it you or the competition, will show you the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of a campaign. If a keyword is generating too low a position for ads, conversions could be less and the probable reason is there are not enough competitive bids for that keyword. If your bid for a keyword is significantly lower than its average CPC, your ads might go to the bottom of the barrel and you might as well waste money for that keyword.

The premise of following the lead of your worthy competitors is to take their already proven strategies and find out how it works for your website. When it comes to ad variations, one of the closest things you can get is to see how long their ads have been working for them. If you’re looking at months old data, trying to figure out how long an ad has been showing for a keyword, there is one little problem: sure that ad has been effective back then when the data was collected, but the bigger question is, is it still effective right now? That is why real-time monitoring of ads and their landing page data comes in handy. You have to be able to track effective ads soon enough to follow before the trail gets cold.

Lastly, monitoring is all about keeping things in check. If you are looking at your own domain, there may be keywords that your ads are also showing for or if you are analyzing the competition, keywords that you have missed or new keywords entering in the market, its best to check if these terms are worth studying, monitoring, and advertising on in the future.

Click here for Part 1 of this series: What Your Keywords Are Telling You
Click here for more details on KeywordSpy Tracking 2.0

KeywordSpy Tracking Series Part 1: What Your Keywords Are Telling You

Every search marketing project comes with the grueling task of research for current and useful data as well as monitoring of keyword effectiveness and competiveness for a given campaign. The KeywordSpy Tracking program is a brilliant way to track down keywords and competitors but not a lot of people know how it works. On this series,THAT is the challenge.

On the first part of this series, we’ll discuss the results of the tracking program, particularly the Keywords Tab. After you have created your campaign and entered the keywords you wish to track over your target countries (and search engines), the program will show keyword data based on that particular campaign.

A result on your keywords means the average daily Cost per Click and Clicks per Day on those keywords. With this table alone, you’ll be able to see the competition level that surrounds each and every keyword you are monitoring as you’ll be able to see how many ads are currently showing for each search engine. This data is manageable with a useful filter option on each column should you decide to concentrate on a particular group or data within a certain category or value.

A low cost per click value with a reasonable amount of competition and daily clicks is an ideal keyword to use and maintain for a PPC campaign. More than that, competition also varies depending on the search engine. On the example above, there are about 12 advertisers for the keyword “blue rose” on Yahoo, a relatively high competition environment. But there is fair game for this keyword on both Google and even MSN, and with a cost of $2.01 for an average of 43 clicks a day, this comes as a good advertising opportunity.

Each keyword has ad ranking on search engines. A quick look at the ads will give you an overview of working ads for a given keyword. If you are also bidding on this keyword, this is also a quick way to find out where you are visually compared to the rest of the advertiser’s ads. Go through the Latest Ads for each keyword and you’ll also be able to tell the dominating advertiser for the most part of your campaign.

Another way at looking at this concept is finding where each advertiser stands with each keyword and ad if you select one of the keywords. Monitoring at this scale allows you to not only pay close attention to your advertisers but also find out other ranking advertisers worthy as competition for your keywords. We have three competing domains for the keyword “blue rose”. If you are looking to advertise on this search engine, these are the three domains you could study further for strategies.

So far, we’ve learned that keyword monitoring will help you analyze daily market values for keywords in your campaign as well as familiarizing yourself with the current competition environment and opportunities surrounding a given keyword. On the next part of the series, we’ll be able to go deep on these competitive fields as we take a look at these advertisers on the Competitor level.

Click here for more details on KeywordSpy Tracking 2.0

The Keyword Search Engine for Search Advertising

Whether you are a small business owner with a website or a seasoned search engine marketer with a new project, every online marketing strategy starts with research. Familiarity with the demands and needs of your target market, your current competition, and prospective competition is crucial in developing a marketing strategy.

When you hear or see the word KeywordSpy, of course, the first conclusion that comes to mind would be keywords. But looking closely, KeywordSpy offers more than just keyword ideas. A simple keyword search would give a glimpse of such critical information needed for a marketing campaign.

There’s PPC budget information, advertisers and organic websites, previews of ads and natural text ranking that would tell you if a certain competition is worth studying or not.

What gives? I can do this with a search engine. Yes, you can, if you have hundreds of man hours and overhead costs to waste – because that’s what it will take to take a keyword and run it across search engines, go through each and every page to see if the website’s are worth looking into, wonder whether they are actually spending money on PPC or even SEO campaigns, look for their ad copies… get the picture?

If you want to learn more about your market, and what you are up against, you would go to a typical search engine, type up a keyword and you’ll be getting pages after pages of result’s you’ll have to sift through for days to get the right type of information you will need.

KeywordSpy, on the other hand, is very much like a reverse search engine. To tap into the search engine that is KeywordSpy would mean, typing up a search term and also getting quite a handful of information that you can get through a regular search engine. The difference is these are a handful of data that you already need as a search marketer. You can immediately tell if a website is related to your market or not simply by a quick look at the PPC and Organic environment surrounding that keyword.

Besides through keywords, another approach to gain awareness of your online market is through category search. By narrowing down your search to a specific field or industry, you will also discover all the relevant competition that applies to the area of your focus that you could study further in order to build up your campaign.

Overall, market research is an important process in search marketing that could probably take more time than the execution of the strategies themselves. In the fast paced culture of internet marketing, having a reliable source of fast, convenient and comprehensive information is your best tool in getting what you need without wasting too much of your resources. That is what search engine for online marketing should be all about.

What it Takes to Go Global

One of the great things of search engine marketing is the limitless possibilities in terms of geographical location. A product could have below average conversions on one region but could be selling like hotcakes in another. Website success is not bound by physical set ups on one country or region alone.

Websites with products and services that can reach a worldwide audience are a goldmine for such possibilities but they are also harder to promote online.

Keywords are the basic tools into optimizing a website either through PPC or SEO strategies. Looking for beneficial keywords in countries you are working with is also an important task. A careful marketing strategy and marketing campaign as to which keywords are better for one country and should be used to another is critical.

(KeywordSpy Market Coverage chart for the keyword: video games)

Some terms and phrases work for one or two countries altogether while some speak to an entirely different culture. Proper research and comparison of data is what you’ll need to narrow your list of useful keywords for your website or campaign.

(Paid keywords for in Austria)

Opening your doors for international market also means expanding your website. Visitor friendly possibilities include having country-friendly domain names that talk specifically to your international clients. Consider an .uk or .au site aside from your .com and be able to reach your audience in a more specific way.

For example, KeywordSpy now hosts a whole slew of international domains to cater to their clients. Each domain offers the same service but is more “country-friendly” for each market.

Organically, it’s quite hard to focus content to an international market rather than just one country. But with an organic content that speaks to a bigger amount of people, who wouldn’t be impressed. It’s important to talk international in your website. Let the visitors know that you mean business - and not just for the United States.

Face it, when you are dealing with international clients, aren’t you a bit impressed if the company you’re talking to is a multinational company. It speaks of professionalism, stability, and capability – you know it’s a trusted solution.

With the creation of other domains, there also comes consideration of content with each site. Watching your language also speaks to your market in a particular manner. Apologise and apologize each speak to a different audience. So when applying to domains or even in PPC advertising, remember that every word, every letter counts differently.

Of course, an integral part of search marketing is linkbuilding. Build up links to websites and domains outside of the United States are also an advantage in getting those additional votes of confidence for your website.

Remember that the first thing that makes online search marketing a better media is its capacity to reach people faster. So why not reach more people? Why not go global?

Recession Tactics for PPC & SEO

Despite the economic crisis having a universal effect from the consumer to the business sector, online marketing remains a reliable media with which to maintain and promote a business. SEO and PPC advertising is still considered a far efficient and less expensive method than traditional marketing. It is critical, however, to make every penny and marketing effort count.

: The convenience of PPC and SEO is the ability to track down the effects of your marketing efforts in a span of weeks or even days, compared to traditional media where you could lose hundreds of dollars before being aware of it.

If your website is not ranking or your ad is not showing, you are still paying for expensive clicks that seldom convert into sales, those will be clear signs that something is wrong with your campaign.

: Depending on the performance of your current ads or your website ranking, it is possible that a change in technique is necessary.

Check if your bids are still at a competitive level. For non-performing keywords and ad copies, consider examining your text and advertisement content for more effective marketing messages.

The search engines and competitive intelligence tools provide countless information on how to compete. This is evident the moment you start searching for keywords on their platforms. Consider better and related material and information you can use to improve your campaign.

Retarget: The focus of every business of late, online or otherwise, is to reach out, if not maintain clientele. Exploring other keywords can also be beneficial as it also opens doors to new markets as well as lessen your overall ad spend.

Take a keyword that has a suggested bid of $1.10 with average clicks of 573 per day but has over 17 competing advertisers, if you can compete with the cost and that many other websites, that’s great. But how much money are you going to lose in such a process?

Now consider a keyword that has a lesser amount of suggested bid, a considerable amount of clicks per day and is within a competitive field with your website. It just might me a better and safer investment for your company.

Online marketing is still an unshakable industry despite the present financial setbacks. Maintaining control, staying informed, and making educated decisions at a crucial time are your best bets against a spiraling economy.

For more information on PPC & SEO keyword research, keyword tracking and budget intelligence, visit

KeywordSpy Country Domains: Opening Its Doors to the World

News from KeywordSpy. The keyword research now has international domains for different countries.

(1888PressRelease) March 06, 2009 - California, USA - Aiming to provide the best keyword ideas for all online businesses worldwide, KeywordSpy is bringing their services closer to their valued clients with their recently launched KeywordSpy country domains.

Enjoy convenience in PPC keyword research and cut down the time it takes to gather data for your country with results set in default of your desired market. currently generates results, by default, from the Global or United States arena. If you would like to default search results to a specific region, United Kingdom for example, you can now log on to your KeywordSpy account on All results for your searches are automatically set to search for the area's PPC keywords first before it suggests results from other countries, saving you time.

At present, the new KeywordSpy country domains include:

The launch of KeywordSpy country domains is just one of the many features the keyword research tool is planning to unveil for search engine marketers all over the world.

Just recently, the leader in keyword research technology and competitive intelligence upgraded its Pay per Click system with its devised budget intelligence data. And in the coming weeks, subscribers will surely get a kick out of the new features currently boiling in the KeywordSpy kitchen, proof that great technology never stops innovating.

Click here to read the entire article.

KeywordSpy Guide | Watch & Learn!

Finally! For those wondering how to use KeywordSpy, they have created tutorial videos for their complete line of products and features on their website.

The videos are comprehensive including guides to every keyword research area imaginable: PPC keywords, organic or SEO keywords, and affiliate keywords. If you're having trouble understanding how their system works, this is your all out guide to every corner of their keyword tool.

Also, for all those wondering how their new Tracking program works, the videos include step by step interface of how they track keywords on daily basis and what to expect from their membership. This is very useful indeed as their free trial account is currently under the Research tool.

The videos are easy to understand and give a practical approach to keyword research and ppc management with tips and tricks into using KeywordSpy to your full advantage. Click here for the complete KeywordSpy video series.

KeywordSpy is currently showing three types of paid memberships. The Research package which collects keywords, the Tracking package which monitors keywords daily and the Professional package which is a combination of both. Their Free Trial account (applicable for Research features) is available still so feel free to check that out first if you like.