
KeywordSpy Tracking Series Part 5: The Power of Suggestion

At last I've come to the last part of the series on KeywordSpy Tracking 2.0. And this is where we'll talk about the Tracking Suggestions Tab.

Never underestimate the power of suggestion. When it comes to PPC and SEO campaigns, good keywords are hard to come by, and when you do happen to come across profitable keywords, it’s hard to tell how long before it becomes less marketable. With monitoring your keywords search engine performance comes also the tasks of keeping your eye open for new or better terms that could also do your campaign good.

When you’re monitoring your campaign’s keywords in the Tracking system, whether for PPC or SEO, your selection of keywords will also let the system provide related terms and phrases with your own set list. You can view this by proceeding directly to the Suggestions tab.

While you are tracking down your keywords’ performance, looking into prospective new keywords is also ideal. The market comes up with new keywords everyday. From new products and technologies to special occasions and events, there are great opportunities that would attract further business to a website. New keywords that appeal to visitors that could also generate high amounts of clicks at possibly lesser costs are worth studying.

When you find yourself stuck with ineffective but expensive keywords, of course, there may be keywords your competitors are already using with far lesser costs per click but still has acceptable click value. The same goes for organic keywords. You can compare these keywords with your own and possibly find more profitable keywords than the costly ones you are advertising on. Simply check out the additional keywords of a competitor or compare your domain with a competitor of your choice and check out their unique keywords.

Always remember that the internet is constantly changing not just with more and more information but business opportunities as well. So if you want to stay in the game, start tracking, be informed, and keep sprucing up your campaign.

Tracking Series Part 1: What Your Keywords Are Telling You
Tracking Series Part 2: Watching the Competition
Tracking Series Part 3: Watching Out For the Bigger Picture
Tracking Series Part 4: Comparing Keywords of 2 Domains
Click here for more details on KeywordSpy Tracking 2.0

KeywordSpy Tracking Series Part 4: Comparing Keywords of 2 Domains

On this third part of our series on KeywordSpy Tracking, we’ll venture into one of the new feature of the system which is the Comparison Tab.

The Comparison Tab allows you to bring two domain’s keyword list in side by side with each other for an organized and efficient comparison of keyword data. For this you can select any two domains on the competitors tab and hit the “compare” option or you can directly proceed to Comparison tab and select domains from there.

One great benefit of this feature is it speeds up the process of taking keyword list after keyword list of your competitors and sorting out which keywords they have and do not have in comparison to yours. You can immediately tell which keywords their ads are showing for that your campaign is missing out on.

New advertisers come in and out the online advertising field daily. Comparing keywords will also allow you to find out if certain advertisers are also worth studying or after a different market altogether.

If you’re trying out new keywords for a specific type of campaign, keeping a close eye on what your competitor is doing could be good. Whether you’re avoiding using the same keywords or researching for currently profitable keywords working for the other advertiser.

This function can also be useful in terms of organic keywords. As much power PPC advertising has, one should never forget not to rule out SEO process, you could be paying for keywords your competitors are using when you can easily and cost effectively implement them in your SEO campaign.

Click here for Part 3 of this series: Watching out For The Bigger Picture
Click here for Part 2 of this series: Watching the Competition
Click here for Part 1 of this series: What Your Keywords Are Telling You
Click here for more details on KeywordSpy Tracking 2.0

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