If you’re selling a particular product that only generates a high amount of income during certain times of the year, have you ever considered Seasonal Advertising? Having an idea of when the buying trend would go up can be of a significant advantage to your business. If you do not have enough budget for a long term advertising investment in Google Adwords or you want to cash in on the special days of the year, seasonal marketing might just be the best thing you could do for your business.
Seasonal advertising only focuses on certain periods in a given year for all out advertising efforts, taking advantage of special occasions such as the Christmas season, Valentines, the Superbowl, wedding seasons, and the like. If you are a seller of merchandise that could benefit from special events such as these then you might just want to invest on the trend when the demand is in full bloom.
If done right, not only will you reap in the benefits of a demanding market. You can also save on advertising measures. This may also do you better than shelling out cash to promote your product the entire year round.
With your product in high demand, you can start with keywords that relate best to the occasion and the product. That way your business would not be so hard to find when it is needed. Show the best Christmas gifts, valentine flower bouquets and diamond wedding rings when they are wanted and experience increase in your market share.
You can also get great ideas from the competition. There are a lot of competitive keyword tools online that can gather keywords from marketers in the same field so you can get good ideas on the terms to work with. KeywordSpy's Time Machine feature allows you to look at keywords other advertisers have used in the past months, so I suggest giving that a shot. You can go back for months worth of information. Accessing terms and phrases other businesses of the same field have used and see if they'll be effective next season.
Take time formulating your ad copies. Generate immediate connection with your target market by creating attractive "buy lines". If you offer special discounts, include that in your copy to increase consumer's buying impulse.
Lastly, if you are only advertising on certain periods of the year. Don’t be afraid to invest a little more. Unless you are the only one in your area producing and selling a certain type of merchandise then expect other businesses that will also take advantage of the demand during its peak season.